Exercises After Pregnancy – 3 Exercises to get you started!
Getting your body back after having a baby is not as hard as you might think. Research shows that starting a regular exercise program soon after giving birth is not only good for your overall health, but may also help reduce the risk of postnatal depression.
Every pregnancy and labor is different, so it’s important to check with your doctor before engaging in exercise after giving birth. If you experience any adverse effects when exercising you should stop and contact your doctor.
Below are a few things you can do the ready your body for exercising
It may not sound like much of a workout, but walking is one of the simplest ways to ease into a fitness routine after giving birth and you can take your new bourn with you, initially in a pram and them in a carrier to give you extra weight.
Kneeling Pelvic Tilt
This exercise helps tone your tummy and strengthening your abs can also relieve any back pain.
Start on all fours, toes touching the floor behind you, arms straight down from your shoulder line, palms touching the floor. Your back should be relaxed and straight, not curved or arched. As you inhale, pull your buttocks forward, tilting your pelvis and rotating your pubic bone upward. Hold for a count of three, and release.
Pelvic Bridge
Strengthens the transverse, buttocks and lower back.
Lie on your back with feet hip-width apart, knees bent. Inhale, then exhale as you draw your abs up and in toward your spine. Tilt your pelvis up, lifting your hips off the floor into a bridge. Slowly lower down to starting position.