Basically, it’s all about weights, we probably all know by now that building and maintaining lean muscle mass is important at any age. However, it is especially important, (in fact it’s crucial), for women in their 40s. This is because lean body mass declines as we get older so if we are not building it, we are losing it. The long-term effects of losing muscle mass varies but in the worst cases it can lead to osteoporosis which is a disease that makes your bones become so brittle that lifting something like a shopping bag or even coughing can cause a fracture.

Below are just some of the many benefits to building muscle.

  • Studies have shown that your percentage of lean muscle mass correlates to the likelihood of heart disease. So, the higher amount of lean muscle mass you have, the less your likelihood of developing heart disease. This is significate to women in their 40s and 50s because as women go through peri and post menopause their estrogen levels drop and so does lean muscle mass, thus increasing the risk of heart disease.


  • Women over 40 need muscle mass to preserve bone strength. Having strong bones is vital for quality of life after menopause. It you have fragile bones; your fracture risk is greater. Then when you fracture a bone, your quality of life is poor which will in turn effect your mental health so to protect your quality of life and your mental health, lift weights.


  • Women have testosterone, yes TESTOERONE and it contributes everything including libido, brain health, bone health, mood, and energy levels. Testosterone is vital to quality of life especially if you have a stressful job or other stress full elements in your life. The natural way and probably the best way to encourage testosterone production is lifting weights. This stimulates muscle building proteins and so Testosterone is produced!

So, if you’re a woman in your 40s and you are worried about losing muscle tone, then you are in luck, fortunately maintaining a strong, healthy body is possible at any age. You can do this by incorporating 20-30 mins of resistance training into your workouts 3-4 times a week. You also need to watch your nutrition, but it is totally possible for you to still build muscle as you enter your 40 and beyond. Forming this habit now will also make the journey through peri to post menopause easer and prevent osteoporosis later in life. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.

If you are uncertain about where to start with weight training or any form of exercise, its best to get advice from a professional Personal Trainer. To find one in your local area please visit Arbrook PT there you can also book a free, no obligation initial consultation. For more information on nutrition and exercise please visit our resources page