Most gyms in my area charge between £85 and £120 per month to be a member, this is good value for money for someone like me. I love exercise, I’m motivate to do it and I don’t feel intimidate by the sweaty gym environment but I’m in the minority. Most people don’t like exercise, don’t enjoy it, are not motivated to do it and find the gym an awful place to be. This would probably explain why £37 million pounds is wasted per year on unused gym membership in the UK. That’s  37 million pounds spent on NOT exercising.

Personal training is not cheap but it is also no longer considered as a luxury just for the rich and famous. More and more people consider £500.00 spent with a mobile PT is a better investment in their health than a gym membership. Also more and more people are combining this with Outdoor Fitness sessions commonly known a Bootcamps and yes this would be slightly more expensive BUT you are paying for actually exercising and also getting sound advice on nutrition and how to do exercise in the comfort of your own home.

What personal trainers hear the most from long term PT clients is “this is the 1st time since school that I have constantly exercised for over a year” and that is because personal trainers not only offer consistency, encouragement and advise, they also show you how to do it on your own.  It’s also much harder to get out of your PT session than your gym visit. A personal trainer will notice if you don’t show for your PT session or you miss their Bootcamp – the gym won’t the only time they gym notices is when you try to cancel your membership.